We demonstrate that architectures which traditionally are considered to be ill-suited for a task can be trained using inductive biases from another architecture. Networks are considered untrainable when they overfit, underfit, or converge to poor results even when tuning their hyperparameters. For example, plain fully connected networks overfit on object recognition while deep convolutional networks without residual connections underfit. The traditional answer is to change the architecture to impose some inductive bias, although what that bias is remains unknown. We introduce guidance, where a guide network guides a target network using a neural distance function. The target is optimized to perform well and to match its internal representations, layer-by-layer, to those of the guide; the guide is unchanged. If the guide is trained, this transfers over part of the architectural prior and knowledge of the guide to the target. If the guide is untrained, this transfers over only part of the architectural prior of the guide. In this manner, we can investigate what kinds of priors different architectures place on untrainable networks such as fully connected networks. We demonstrate that this method overcomes the immediate overfitting of fully connected networks on vision tasks, makes plain CNNs competitive to ResNets, closes much of the gap between plain vanilla RNNs and Transformers, and can even help Transformers learn tasks which RNNs can perform more easily. We also discover evidence that better initializations of fully connected networks likely exist to avoid overfitting. Our method provides a mathematical tool to investigate priors and architectures, and in the long term, may demystify the dark art of architecture creation, even perhaps turning architectures into a continuous optimizable parameter of the network.
We propose Guidance between two networks to make untrainable networks trainable. Given a target which cannot be trained effectively on a task, e.g., a fully connected network (FCN) which immediately overfits on vision tasks, we guide it with another network.
Layer-wise representational alignment In addition to the target's cross-entropy loss, we encourage the network to minimize the representational similarity between target and guide activations layer by layer. We measure the similarity using centered kernel alignment.
Randomly Initialized Guide Networks The guide can be untrained, i.e., randomly initialized. This procedure transfers the inductive biases from the architecture of the guide to the target. The guide is never updated.
Training improvement The target undergoing guidance no longer immediately overfits can now be be trained. Here we show an untrained ResNet guiding a deep fully connected network to perform object classification. The FCN alone overfits, the guided version can now be optimized. It has gone from untrainable to trainable.
We apply guidance on three untrainable networks: (1) a Deep FCN guided by a ResNet-18, (2) a Wide FCN guided by a ResNet-18, and (3) a Deep Convolutional Network guided by ResNet-50. Across all settings, guidance can help train architectures that were otherwise considered unsuitable.
We apply guidance on across two sequence-based architectures for three sequence modeling tasks: (1) copy-paste with RNN guided by a Transformer, (2) parity with a Transformer guided by an RNN, and (3) language modeling with an RNN guided by a Transformer. RNN performance improves dramatically when aligning with the representations of a Transformer for copy and paste, as well as for language modeling. RNNs close most of the gap to Transformers for language modeling. Transformers in turn, improve parity performance when aligning with an RNN. Guidance is able to transfer priors between networks.
Training and Validation Curves We find across all settings that guidance improves training and validation loss. Guidance prevents overfitting and settings where loss saturates.
Given our guided networks, we can analyze the functional properties of the guided network to confirm whether networks adopt priors from their guide networks. Using Deep FCN as our target model, we guide it with a ResNet-18 or a ViT-B-16. We then measure the error consistency between all of the networks.
Guidance aligns error consistency. The relationship between the guide networks is mirrored in that
of the guided networks even when the target is entirely unlike the guides initially. This is additional evidence
that guidance doesn’t just improve performance arbitrarily, the target becomes more like the guide.
Is guidance needed throughout training, or is the effect of the guide to move the target into a regime where the two are aligned and the target can be optimized further without reference to the guide? The answer to this question can shed light on whether the guide is telling us that better initializations are likely to exist for the target. To answer this question, we disconnect the guide from the target after an arbitrary and nominal number of training steps, 150.
Disconnecting the guide early can have long-term effects. The Deep FCN
still does not diverge and the training and validation loss still mirror one another. Very likely, an initialization
regime exists for Deep FCNs that prevents overfitting. We now have the tools to investigate this question.
This work was supported by the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, NSF STC award CCF- 1231216, the NSF award 2124052, the MIT CSAIL Machine Learning Applications Initiative, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, the CBMM-Siemens Graduate Fellowship, the DARPA Artificial Social Intelligence for Successful Teams (ASIST) program, the DARPA Mathematics for the DIscovery of ALgorithms and Architectures (DIAL) program, the DARPA Knowledge Management at Scale and Speed (KMASS) program, the DARPA Machine Common Sense (MCS) program, the United States Air Force Research Laboratory and the Department of the Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator under Cooperative Agreement Number FA8750-19-2-1000, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under award number FA9550-21-1-0399, and the Office of Naval Research under award number N00014-20-1-2589 and award number N00014-20-1-2643. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Department of the Air Force or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein.